Fresh Air


A former Poly Forum student from NP is doing a event for Club Momo on the 18th Nov from 7pm - 12am with abit of social enterprise element and he hopes we can forward out to the NP for students to get to know this grooving event!

Are you ready for the most talked about event in town?

Yes! It is ClubYouthFest 2006. Mixing awareness with music and performances.

Here is where your $18 will go:
1) Cancer awareness
2) More than 3 hours of music, dance and more
3) Help to fundraise for Assisi Home & Hospice
4) Club all you want with a cause

With only $18, you get solid performances by:
- LA Dance Connection
- Paradox
- Sensually Transmitted Music
- Krashed Lines
- Yee Bah
- EMP from Republic Polytechnic
- Steven Lim
- Derek Heng
- DanceFusion
- Jeremy Ng

With so many performances, do your part in helping to fundraise for Assisi Home & Hospice! Get your presales tickets now from
Serene at!

An event by a Poly Forum Alumni.

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