Fresh Air

yet another event for you to join and have fun!

Date: 24th Nov 2006 Friday
Time: 5.30 - 7.30 pm (might end earlier)
Venue: LT68E
Dress Code: NONE =)

The event is held in collaboration with Youth Advolution for Health (YAH), Health Promotion Board. With focus in advocating youths to remain smoke free, this event uses a light hearted and refreshing approach - in putting the messgae across.

Movie Therapist, Dr Karen McDonald will be with us to share.

More than 300 goodie bags up for grabs with items sponsored by Nestle, etc. While Stocks last.

Participants stand a chance to win an Apple iPod Nano, Movie Passes, Shopping Vouchers and More!

All students will be awarded CCA Points.

To find out more, visit our booth at the Atrium from 20th-24th Nov! or email .

Get all your friends down to join us at this meaningful event!

An event organised by

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