Fresh Air

heyy all!! Environmental Rangers Society will be having their EnviroDay this week!! Details are below. Please show your support to them (our beloved Weitai is involved too!!), it'll be a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn more about the environment!

Enviroday 2006
Date: 15 17 Nov 2006
Time: 12-6pm
Venue: Convention Basement Blk 68

Environmental Rangers Society is holding a green exhibition this week from 15-17(wed-fri).

The exhibition includes:

-Exhibition boards from NEA regarding Anti-Littering-Singapore Environmental Council selling environmental books prices ranging from $1-$30.
-Environmental Rangers Society setting up two booths on haze issue and marine conservation respectively
-Building & Environment Green Volunteers (BEGV)displaying their current green activities
-Passion Synergy (Community Service Clubs Taskforce) exhibiting on their project on 3Rs
-Final Year Project by Germaine Nah from Chemical Engineering displaying her project on Reuse of Biodiesel
-Final Year Project by Eunice Ngiam and Mirzadis playing on their project on Aquaponics

Do come down and take a look at the booths and be more aware of the environment! Don't miss this opportunity!Remember its 15-17 Nov 2006!

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