Fresh Air

YEP Myanmar Trip 2007/08

There is an overseas community service project this coming holiday after your final exams!

Calling out to all Passion Synergy and members of the 7 CCA Clubs! Ms Leong will be leading a team of roughly 18 people.

Myanmar Project 2007

Date: 24 Sept - 8 Oct (15 days)
Cost: $550 (after subsidy) / $1100 (no subsidy)

Programme Highlights
Will be visiting three Day-Care Centres, painting a wall mural, getting wooden floor tiling, lessons for the children, and many more activities that would be a unique experience!

Registration: Express interest in the trip by replying to with your name and HP by 8 July, Saturday. Take note that there will be an interview for all applicants the following week.

Queries, pls email to, or directly to Ms Leong at

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